weight loss
How many calories should you weigh? Many people have trouble figuring out how many calories to worry about. That's totally understandable though, especially on days when it comes to health and fitness. An estimate of 100 calories is probably enough to put you in the category for obesity. And that number certainly isn't set in stone, and if you're looking for someone to help you figure out your weight, then your answer is always going to be the same - no one number works. So instead of thinking about your overall caloric deficit, calculate how much additional energy you need to burn each day. A little math doesn't have to be painful. Simply start measuring and working toward changing that number per day, every day. Not only will it keep you on track, but it gives you the self-confidence needed to achieve your goals. How Many Tons Of Crystals Are Added To My Diet I'm always surprised to find out how many of my crystals they actually are, and in fact, they probably acc...